Budget Calculator
Budget Considerations:
Once you've defined your needs and aspirations, it's important to understand the resources needed to achieve your objective. Classroom Renewal's Conceptual Budget Calculator can help!
Answer three questions in the form, and we'll provide a conceptual budget, which will serve as starting point and order-of-magnitude reference.
This calculator references a national database, updated in 2024, on new construction costs for U.S. schools, using Chicago as the reference location, and then assigns an estimated percentage of costs, based on the level of work selected in the form.
Actual costs may vary substantially, based on location, market conditions and the complexity of the project.
Types of Renovation Projects
Light Decorating
Aesthetic touches such as new paint, window treatments, cushions, and display boards to enhance the room's ambiance without structural changes.
Light Renovation
Non-structural updates, such as lighting, ceilings, flooring, and minor repairs, to refresh the space.
Medium Renovation
Upgraded systems and finishes, replacements doors and windows, and improved efficiency without structural changes.
Substantial Renovation
Extensive changes, including HVAC systems, removing portions of walls, new openings, doors, windows, flooring, ceilings, lighting, floor and wall finishes.
Note: This methodology is focused on Design Emerging’s first product, ClassroomRenewal.ai. However, a similar approach is in development for spaces for living, working, and community.